Blue Monday, the third Monday of January, is said to be the bleakest day of the year. Mornings are dark, you might be struggling with your New Year’s resolutions, and the festive season already feels like a long time ago! With that in mind, we at Hay Hampers have a few ideas to brighten up your Monday.

Share a Brew

Mental health charity Samaritans are pushing to replace “Blue Monday” with “Brew Monday”* - why not use take five minutes and share a brew with a friend, colleague or loved one? Whether you choose a tea, coffee or hot chocolate hamper, it’s a great opportunity to connect and check in with others.

Take a Mindful Moment

Taking a moment to pay attention to and notice the present moment, being aware of your thoughts and feelings, can improve your wellbeing.

Give Back

Sending a thank you gift, doing something nice for a friend, or taking time to volunteer in your community can all help to boost your mood.

The most important thing to remember is that Blue Monday is a day like any other, and these tips can help at any time of year.

*Brew Monday 2023 - Samaritans

**Five Ways to Wellbeing - New Economics Foundation